Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hey guys! So a lot has happened since my last post. I met up with Brian from Trophy in Quito after finishing up with the bear project and we came right to the coast. We spent almost a week in Puerto Lopez, where we got to go snorkeling and see blue-footed boobies. It was pretty cool. I got a wicked sunburn on my legs, because in mountain villages they are waaaay more conservative, so I was super pale. Hopefully that won´t happen again. We went out one time while we were there, to the local discoteca. Brian wanted to go because he had had fun at the discoteca in Las Tolas, but it didn´t really work out too well. Basically I got hit on by skeezy guys the whole time. My spanish isn´t great but I learned the word for ¨lover¨in the short time I was there. This is my advice to you: if you want to get slightly less attentions as a gringo in South America, dye your hair brown before you come.

Yesterday we came to Montenita, about an hour away, and got to try surfing! It´s probably the coolest thing I´ve ever done. Surfing is so much more fun than just hanging out on the beach. Montenita is kind of a strange town because it´s all about tourism and there are more gringos than Ecuadorians, but surfing is so much fun that I totally don´t mind. I could easily envision just staying here until my money runs out. Which would not be very long, because I don´t have much money and surfing is expensive. But for now I am enjoying learning to surf and taking breaks to eat fruit and listen to Bob Marley (which really is what it is like here, all the time).